Profile PictureSoultri

Heder Model

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Heder Model


Unity 2018/SDK 3.0

Two Model Prefabs, Fbx, and Unity Scene included.

Heder is NSFW.

She has:

.+†*:.。 Dynamic Bones (Boobs, Butt, Etc.) & Colliders. (Floor, Hands, Etc.)

.+†*:.。 Dynamic Penetration System Compatible (Only Vagina).

.+†*:.。 7 Gestures. Toggles for Shirt, Shorts, Underwear, Horns, Tail, Blindfold, Crop, and Springjoint.

.+†*:.。 Fullbody Tracking ready (Tested), with modified locomotion layer with FBT locomotion toggle. 


- You may NOT sell ANY ASSETS from this model without buying from the original creators (no asset mining). Links to the assets are imbedded into the Credits name.

- You may NOT reupload this model to another persons account/spread packages for any reason, any questions dm me personally.

- You may NOT reupload the model for sale or public, with minimal or no change at all.

- If someone asks where the model is from, please credit me!

Before you import:

Please import Poiyomi shader, Dynamic Bones, Dynamic Penetration system (If you have bought already, optional), and Vrc Sdk in your project (preferably new) before importing the model package. If you would like to use the model with dynamic penetration, please use the prefab named "Heder Prefab DPS". If you want to use the model without dynamic penetration, please use the prefab named "Heder Prefab No DPS". **Bones, Poi, Dynamic Penetration and sdk are NOT included in the package.**

If you have any issues, questions, or concerns, you can reach me on discord @Agastopi#0001!


Body: Pandaabear#9873

Face: sweaty#1214

Hair: WetCat#6969

Shirt: Miriaaam#7537 (Nitro)

Shorts: Zeit#9150

Boots: Gashina#1960

Tail: Agastopi#0001, eggyu#4097

Accessories: Agastopi#0001berryvee#0697

Extra: Cam#1959 (Springjoint), WetCat#6969 (Idle Animations)

Shaders: poiyomi#0001

Dynamic Penetration System: Raliv#3574

Locomotion Fix: WetCat, AlcTrap, Gireison, DjLukisLT, and INYO

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Unity 2018 Package for Heder

Very Poor VRC Rating
233,333 Polygons
135 MB
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